
Friday 6 January 2012

Sarkari Film News: Is Bane's Audio Getting Remixed?

Collider claims that the audio for the prologue will be remixed so that the ambient noise won't drown out Bane. Furthermore, they posted a screen grab of a letter that IMAX apparently sent to theater projectionists with an enclosed new DTAC soundtrack for the best possible presentation. Cool, right?

However, New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff tweets that "Warner Bros. says 'no truth' to reports of new Dark Knight Rises prologue trailers going out with fixed Bane audio." What gives?

We're still waiting for an official response from Warner Bros. on the matter, so when we hear back from them we'll let you know!Since posting the original report, we've heard from IMAX execs and an exec for an approved IMAX theater showing the TDKR prologue who said that they have no knowledge of any such letter ever being sent out to IMAX projectionists and they don't believe there's any accuracy to the rumor.

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